2024 Thomas Paine Merit Scholarship Program

The Victoria Wilson Memorial Scholarship

First Place - $3,000
Second Place - $1,000
Third Place - $1,000

All Graduating Seniors attending high schools in the Valley area are Eligible to Apply.
Verification of enrollment in an accredited institution offering a 2-year AA or 4-year BA is required.

Application includes 500-word essay addressing the following question:

As stated by Thomas Paine, "These are the times that try men's souls: the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country..." Referring to the amendments stated in the United States Constitution, how would you address one of the following issues we face today? Support your explanation with facts and use correct citations.

The advancement of socialism?

Divisions in the government?


The sovereignty of the U.S. borders?

Application deadline:

Midnight, Monday, May 20, 2024

Apply and submit online via the form to your right

Enjoy reading the excellent essays written by the 2023 winners: